[Imagen del logotipo de la compañía]   Principal Contenido

  Internacional Observatorio para la Comunicación Audiovisual y Pedagogía

   International Observatory  for the  Audio-visual Communication and Pedagogy

  i.O.C.A.P. English


i.O.C.A.P. English
i.O.C.A.P. English

"This is not a service of alertness, is not an activity of  recopilation of statistical information on the audio-visual world, it is not an examination in the sense of to  test overcoming … This observatory is: a forum of objective analysis of audio-visual documents, a frame of study of its repercussion in the culture in every case. "

iOCAP Purpose

1.-Establish and consolidate of a group of experts capable of analyzing the new forms and contemporary contents of communication, pointing specially on the messages in audio-visual documents, on it’s repercussion on our culture and on the processes of acquisition of knowledge.

2.-Sistematize and  develop a dynamic and scientific analysis of messages in the area of  Audio-visual Communication and Pedagogy.

The principal challenge is to manage to apply the pertinent analysis to messages in other languages or other environments, for which there will be implied experts of other countries.


iOCAP's profile

The group is constituted and open to experts of the Communication, of the Audio-visual world and Pedagogy. This way it rises from teachers' initiative to confer a doctor's degree in assets of the mentioned areas. This way, this project is coordinated for:

Prof. Dr. D. Javier Fombona Cadavieco


- Teacher & Doctor of Means and Languages of Audio-visual Communication of the Integrated Center of Vocational training communication, Image and Sound of the Council of Education of Asturias, Spain.

Javier Fombona Cadavieco, is at present the teacher of Means and Languages of Audio-visual Communication and Chief of studies in the Integrated Center of Vocational training Langreo. he is Also Licensed in Sciences of the Information. Visual and Auditory image; Univ. Complutensian of Madrid. Conferred a doctor's degree on Sciences of the Information for the Univ. Complutensian. And licensed in Philosophy and Sciences of the Education, UNED (2002). Teacher in the area of the audio-visual communication from 1986, author of 3 books, 15 chapters in books, more than 100 articles in press, 13 communications and presentations to congresses, 14 courses and given seminars, 31 courses and received seminars, 15 assisted congresses, 9 projects and investigation, all this relative to the matters of audio-visual communication and pedagogy.

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Prof. Dr ª. D ª. Maria Angels Pascual Sevillano     apascual@uniovi.es

-  Teacher Confers a doctor's degree On Catedrática of the School of Teaching of the University of Oviedo, Spain.

M ª Angels Pascual Sevillano, is doctor in Fhilosophy and Sciencie of the Education since 1995. She is working professor at the Departament of Sciencie of the Education at the Oviedo University since 1995. She`s  professor at the Area of Didactics and  Educative Organization. She`s member of the investigation group principal GIDEPA and had participated collaborator in same subventionated proyects for university about of make uses news tecnologity applicable in the Education, for example, the last investigation about of the to design, develoment and evaluation of to “ Virtual plataform for the education at News tecnologity of  the information in the education ”.

Teachers Collaborators:

Prof. Dr ª. D ª. Maria Luisa Sevillano García

- Teacher Confers a doctor's degree As Catedratic of Pedagogy in the National University of Education Distantly of Spain.

Prof. Dr. D. Donaciano Bartolomé Crespo

- Teacher Doctor of Journalism of the Faculty of Sciences of the Information Univ. Complutense Madrid, Spain.

Prof ª. Dr ª. D ª. Ruth Vianna Alves

- Teacher Confers a doctor's degree of Social Communication / Journalism of the Federal University, Bushes Grosso do Sul, Brazil

I mark of the project:


We live in a context surrounded with audio-visual information that floods different areas of our society, in the middle of an incessant bombardment of television, advertising messages, multimediatic articles … that modulates and organizes the forms and contents of the culture of our society.

There for, from the educational area one sees the immediate need of an objective and deep documentation protected in the experience and professionalism of a group of experts that analyzes and report on such resources.


The experts analyze voluntarily those documents that, across them, come to the iOCAP, for which one proposes and leans them with the opportune methodology of scientific analysis. The groups of analysts of international origin are fitted in someone of three subsystems or slopes of the Audio-visual Communication and Pedagogy, this is:

-  Analysis of messages of Communication in fundamentally written supports: press, texts …

-  Analysis of audio-visual messages in you support fundamentally icónicos: video, television, multimedia

-    Specifically didactic and pedagogic analysis of documents.

Both the documents and the group teachers are opened for any educational level, being grouped by affinity of area the respective contents and analysts. It is key the method of analysis proposed in every to the members of the iOCAP, as well as his own experience in the areas in which the project limits itself: objective analysis of audio-visual documents, his implication in the cultural development of the society and his educational application.

Phase 1: Access to the analyzable Document to the iOCAP

(A member of the iOCAP accedes to a specific document and he proposes his analysis)


Phase 2: Analysis of the Document for members of the iOCAP

(A group of members of the iOCAP interested realize his analysis

Phase 3: Emission of the report iOCAP on the analyzed Document

(iOCAP expresses and spreads in his case the report corresponding to the studied document)


– The documents to analyze will be sent and distributed to the analysts interested on its study, which once analyzed are returned and/or spread in every case. This way, these analyses are public when the document is as well (books, movies, etc.) or confidential depending on the intention of the involved ones. (authors, etc.).

– The participation in the analyses of proposed documents implies a certain priority at the moment of proposing new documents to the iOCAP for his study.


–      The project is born without spirit of profit & without political means. In any case the scientific procedure of study marks the difference with other projects of this type and of subjective interpretation.

–  Analysts: expert people in Audio-visual Communication and Pedagogy

–  Equipment: The analysis are done on supports of normalized diffusion: DVD, written documents, telematic diffusion files, etc.

–  Places of analysis: The analysis are realized at the experts home and are distributed by a telematic chanel

Principal ]

Envíe un mensaje a fombona@educastur.princast.es con preguntas o comentarios.
Copyright © 2007 International Observatory for the Audiovisual Comunication and Pedagogy
Última modificación: 03 de enero de 2009